Welcome to Inspirations Theater Camps!

...Where we never act silly. Ever.

Here at camp we experience drama...


We get to be feisty...

Or act sad...

Or joyful.

Sometimes we strive to act seriously...

But still occasionally catch the giggles.

Either way, it's always interesting!

Besides the drama games, we have rehearsals...

And afternoon art projects...

Where some students got to make their own masks for the show!

At the end of camp we put on two performances of our show

The theater is starting to fill up...

There's time for one last round of warm-ups before we start, led by our staff.

The Pit Orchestra is ready...

Looks like our cast is ready...

And King Henry VIII is rea--ummmm, your highness...?

That's better!

We'll give 'em a show with crafty street urchins...

Forest ruffians...

And a Princess and a Pauper who change places in life

We'll have big numbers involving King Henry VIII of England...

And his six wives.

We'll finish with a big group number...

...A big knight scene...

...That'll knock 'em dead!

('She didn't get me...I just -pretended- to fall over.')

...And a tender scene where the pauper-turned-princess decides what is right to do.

That's the show, folks!

The audience sure seems to like it!

What a wonderful group of people to work with!

Thanks for the memories--and see you next year!