This page lists the individual and group parts in the Ramayana. See Casting for a more general picture of how casting works at our camps.
For each part we list
- the number of lines (measured by how many total lines in the script, not by the number of spoken sections. For example, a short speech by a character that was 5 lines long in the script would count as 5 lines; a one-line response would be one.)
- The number of songs, and the number of lines in that song
- Whether the songs are solo, duet, or group.
- A little bit about each character
- The gender on stage of the character, or whether that is flexible. For the casting, either boys or girls can be considered to play either gender, should they wish
how casting works at our summer camps
Students wishing to be considered for leads need to let us know by May 1st.
Students 12 and older (and the occasional 11-year old) will
- Indicate on the child's on-line enrollment form that they wish to be considered for a lead part.
- Sign up for an in-person or phone interview with the camp. Sign-up sheet available on our website April 10th.
- Prepare a 30-60 second song to be sung over the phone (if the character they are considering has a solo or duet).
- Be given a quick vocal range test over the phone to determine highest and lowest voice range.
- Share with us what roles they believe they'd enjoy or like to be considered for, including any roles that they -wouldn't- want to do. It is important for children to have become familiar with the parts if they have distinct preferences.
Once the casting picture is complete I will notify parents via email or phone the part or parts they have been assigned.
**Note: the sizes of these roles are for the Friday-Saturday performances. For students aged 10-11 considering roles for the Thursday performance, which is about half as long, the sizes of the parts are for the most part proportionally smaller. The main exceptions are Janaka, who does not have his two songs, and Sita, whose two bigger songs (Should I Go? (Sita) and her part in We Will Go On) are not in the shorter performance. Send any casting questions to Torsti at directortorsti@rovainenmusicals.com
Example of How to Read These Listings
Character Name M/F (whether the character is male or female on stage, or either) Character description
# of spoken lines # of songs character is in whether there are any solo sung lines or duets # of sung lines
**Note: In Rovainen Musicals productions, girls and boys can play either girls or boys, as they wish. For example, a boy could audition for Sita and a girl for Ravana.
Larger lead parts
**For the Vermont camp, children selected for these lead parts will attend the 3-day pre-camp intensive July 27 - 29
Rama 1st Half M The character around whom the action centers. Becomes king, exiled, attempts to rescue Sita
13 lines In parts of 3 songs solos/duets 20 sung lines
Rama 2nd Half M The character around whom the action centers. Becomes king, exiled, attempts to rescue Sita
16 lines 2 songs, 1 large solos/duets 43 sung lines
Lakshmana 1st Half M Rama's war-like brother who accompanies Rama and Sita to forest; helps Rama rescue Sita
18 lines In parts of 4 songs, one large some solo parts 55 sung lines
Lakshmana 2nd Half M Rama's war-like brother who accompanies Rama and Sita to forest; helps Rama rescue Sita
15 lines In parts of ~2 songs some solo parts 43 sung lines
Vibishina 2nd Half M/F Ravana's brother/sister who urges caution, comforts Sita, and ultimately defects to Rama's side
15 lines In one songs One very challenging and long solo song 29 sung lines
Hanuman M Monkey king who helps Rama and Lakshmana rescue Sita
12 lines In four songs solos during three of the songs 43 sung lines
Medium-Large Lead parts
**For the Vermont camp, children selected for these parts will attend the 3-day pre-camp leads intensive July 27 - 29
Sita 1st Half F Declines suitors until marrying Rama, exiled with him; kidnapped by demon king
11 lines In parts of 3 songs a few short solos 19 sung lines
Sita 2nd Half F Declines suitors until marrying Rama, exiled with him; kidnapped by demon king
Sings one big song 20 sung lines some stage time without lines
Ravana--Head #5 M This is the demon king who kidnaps Sita. He is usually in his ten-headed form but occasionally is singular.
15 lines In 3 songs solo in one song 16 sung lines
Surphanakha Demon Form F Ravana's sister who attempts to lure Rama into marrying her; riles Ravana up to kidnap Sita
13 lines In two songs solo during one song 14 sung lines
Surphanakha Human Form F Ravana's sister's form when she tries to get Rama to marry her
11 lines Sings one big songsolo 27 sung lines
Janaka M Sita's father
16 lines Sings in two big songs solo and duet 38 sung lines
Medium-Small Lead parts
Vibishina 1st Half M/F Ravana's brother/sister who urges caution, comforts Sita, and ultimately defects to Rama's side
4 lines In three songs One short solo 15 sung lines
Dasaratha M Rama's father
14 lines In one song a few solo lines in that song 18 sung lines
Sumanthra M/F Rama's father's minister
10 lines In three songs a few solo lines in two songs 34 sung lines
Viswamithra M/F Rama's father's minister
10 lines In two songs a few solo lines in both songs 20 sung lines
Ravana--Head #6 M This is the demon king who has kidnapped Sita. This head has part of a solo song and some lines.
6 lines In 2 songs solo in one song 15 sung lines
Manthara F Conspirator who persuades Kaikeyi to have Rama banished
13 lines In one song a few solo sung lines 11 sung lines
Suchara F Conspirator who persuades Kaikeyi to have Rama banished
10 lines In one song a few solo sung lines 12 sung lines
individual parts
Grandmother F Introduces play in first scene
11 lines In one song solo parts 14 sung lines
Kaikeyi F One of Dasaratha's wives who ends up having Rama banished
6 lines In one song 2 sung lines
Indrajit M Ravana's warlike son who helps persuade Surphanaka to have Ravana kidnap Sita
5 spoken lines (Can sing ~6 lines in demon song)
Kausayla F Rama's mother
5 spoken lines In one song 3 solo sung lines~12 sung lines total
special individual parts
Deepak, Pratosh, Ganesh, Narayan M play and sing in one long lively song Love Just Makes Things Worse About 9 solo lines each
This song is one of the more lively and challenging songs in the play, and we will be working on it nearly every day of camp, sometimes during the afternoon elective times. Ideal fits for these four parts
1) want to work extra hard to make the scene and song shine
2) Ideally can sing harmony, being able to hold their own part among multiple singers
3) Can bring lots of energy and fun to the song.
These four have about four spoken lines each and 40 sung lines
***Students cast as any of these four characters will likely be able to play other parts in the play as well, but not Rama, Lakshmana, or Sita.
General Prabasta, General Yamaraj generals in Ravana's army; a few spoken lines each
Janaka's Steward M/F Introduces Bowlifters 5 spoken lines
Jatayu an eagle who tries to protect Sita from Ravana 2 spoken lines
Mandeep child in modern-day India at start of play 5 spoken lines
Human Narrator Sings in opening song The Ramayana; a few solo lines
Bharata Kaikeyi's son who becomes king; 1 spoken line
Bowlifters Try to impress King Janaka with their strength, but fail
Group Parts for students (usually) grades 5 and up
Ravana's heads M/F Parts of the 10-headed demon king. On stage most times Ravana is
A few spoken lines each In two songs 13 lines sung total
[[these next two group roles might be played by the same students, though students could opt to only play in one]]
Sita's Servants M/F Try to persuade Sita to marry some of her various suitors
In one song 13 sung lines
Sita's Demon Tormentors M/F Try to persuade Sita to marry Ravana
Some of have one spoken line In one song 20 sung lines
Na Jane Chorus M/F Help sing a challenging song in the play
group parts
Depending on timing, costume changes, and the child's interest and appetite, most children will play in one or more of the group parts listed below.
Human / Demon Narrators Help sing the first song in the play The Ramayana
Demon Rakshasas Sing in three songs, take part in two fight scenes; usually our campers entering Grades 5-6
Monkeys Usually our campers entering Grades 3-4
Ayodhyan Villagers Take part in the Bazaar Song and the Wedding Song
Court Join in two-three scenes: How To Be King, the Bowlifting Ceremony, and the Demon Court