Part Information for The Sultan, the Secret, and the Witch
Oregon, Wisconsin, and Vermont Camps 2019
This page details the parts for each play, their size, whether they sing solos (and if so how much), and whether the part is by audition, casting conversation, or other. You can get more detailed information on a character by looking in your scripts and hearing the songs for the play.
Parts are listed by camp. Note: part size varies based on the production; please make sure you are in the correct theater camp experience to see the true size of the part for your camp.
Name of Part #spoken lines / #sung lines M/F/E gender of character onstage ‘A’ if audition needed to be considered for part
Young Girl 55 / 34 F A
Vermont Camp
Note: if only one number is in the lines column, it indicates the number of spoken lines.
Young Girl 55/34 F A (up to swordfighting training scene)
Older Girl 25/43 F A (after swordfighting training scene)
Younger Gyuri 40/(16) M A (up to swordfighting scene; 16 possible sung lines)
Older Gyuri 15/7 M A (after swordfighting scene)
Gyuri (no split) 55/(16)+7] M A (if one students plays role for entire show)
Young Morningstar 11/30 F A (up to swordfighting training scene)
Older Morningstar 7/22 F A (after swordfighting training scene)
Morningstar (no split) 18/52 F A [if one student plays the role for the entire show]
Deer 0 E (deer does not speak but is onstage for much of the show)
Sultan 68/(18)/11 E A (18 additional spoken lines if we have Councillors in the show)
Witch 17/40 F A
Datenut 1 17 /(3) / 30 E A
Datenut 2 17 /(3) / 30 E A
Bear 6/36 E
Panther 3/16 E
Coyote 4 /13 E
Turtle 3/17 E
Owl 12/13 E
Wizard 1 4/5 E
Wizard 2 4/5 E
Eldest Daughter 17 F
Sultan's Sergeant 5 E
Pirate Captain 3/5 E
2nd Mate 3 E
Lead Gossiper 30 (sung) E
Witch's Liege 0
Girl's Mother 8/8 F
Restaurant Owner <5 E
Innkeeper <5 E
Farmer 17 E
Shepherd <5 E
Landowner <5 E
Refugee 29 sung E A
Other Refugees <5 each E (Accountant, Cook, Ex-Soldier, Migrant)
Soldiers 1 – 5 ~ 1-10 E
Guards 1 & 2 <5 E
Messengers 1 & 2 1 each E
Village Elders 1 – 2 6 E
Villager Elder 3 1 E
Forest Villagers 1 – 7 < 5 E
Narrator 19 E
Villager <5 E
2nd Mate ~5 E
Group Parts:
Pirates ~20 sung E
Gossipers 30 sung E
**Councillors 4/25 E [these characters might or might not be in the show; we’ll decide after casting calls]
Soldiers 10 sung E
Dungeon Animals 0 E
High School
Note: if only one number is in the lines column, it indicates the number of spoken lines.
Alana 64 / 57 F A
Gyuri 64/(16) 9 M A (16 possible sung lines if we do My Father’s Trade)
Morningstar 18/67 F A
Sultan 68/11 E A
Witch 23/33 F A
Datenut 30/28 E A
Councillor 5/39 E A
Wizard 1 6 E
Soldier in Palace 3/10 E
Witch’s Liege 0 E
Sultan's Sergeant 5 E
Gossipers 1-2+ 30 (sung) E
Soldiers 1-3 ~3 E
Restaurant Owner <5 E
Innkeeper <5 E
Farmer 19 E
Shepherd <5 E
Landowner <5 E
Refugee 29 sung E A
Other Refugees <5 each E (Accountant, Cook, Ex-Soldier, Migrant)
Alana's Mother 5 F
Village Elder 5/7 E
Villager 1-3 3 + 4-12 lines in song Empire of Man E
Oregon 1-Week, Oregon 3-week, Wisconsin
Note: if only one number is in the lines column, it indicates the number of spoken lines.
Young Girl 18/14 F A [up to swordfighting training]
Older Girl 16/32 F A [after swordfighting training]
Girl (no split) 34/46 F A [if we don’t split part]
Young Morningstar 10/33 F A [up to swordfighting training]
Older Morningstar 5/20(33) F A [after swordfighting training]
Morningstar (no split) 15/53(86) F A [if we don’t split part]
1st Sultan 23/12 E A [up to Hold On]
2nd Sultan 38/0 E A [after Hold On]
Sultan (no split) 61/12 E A [if we don’t split part]
Gyuri 64/(16) 9 M A (16 possible sung lines if we do My Father’s Trade)
Witch 8/29 F A
Datenut 1 9/31 E A
Datenut 2 9/31 E A
Eldest Daughter 16 F
Wizards 1&@ 3/5 E
Deer 0 E [deer is onstage for much of the show]
Bear 2/20 E
Panther 2/17 E
Coyote 1/17 E
Turtle 2/17 E
Owl 7/17 E
Pirates 20 sung E
Pirate Captain 2/5 E
2nd Mate 3 E
Soldiers 1 – 5 ~3 each E
Soldiers 10 sung E
Girl’s Mother 5 F
Restaurant Owner 2 E
Shepherd 3 E
Farmer 13 E
Landowner 2 E
Lead Gossiper ~25 (sung) E
Gossipers ~25 (sung) E
Narrator 7 E
Soldier-turned-Captain 0 E [this character is in two scenes, one a swordfighting scene]