The House and Land
Port Orford, Oregon

This page shows the house, the 5+ acres it’s on, and some scenery nearby. Sections include

—The House
—The Grove
—Orchard and Garden
—Ocean and Landscape of the area

The House

The original structure was built in the mid-1990’s. In ~2006 the previous owners renovated and expanded it to what we see today.

House in ~2007 just after renovation. Terraces in foreground now have rhododendron, lilac, and other small trees

House in ~2007 just after renovation. Terraces in foreground now have rhododendron, lilac, and other small trees

House looking NE

House looking NE

Back patio overlooking grove; living room and kitchen bay windows

Back patio overlooking grove; living room and kitchen bay windows

More recent view of house looking west with camellias

More recent view of house looking west with camellias

Front of Shop

Living room I

Living Room View II

Common room in shop Big enough for ping-pong (table folded up on left)

Kitchen from living room arch (stove out of picture to left)

Kitchen from living room arch (stove out of picture to left)

In 2018 my middle-school band class came down from Portland for a 3-day field trip. Somehow we fit ~10 people at the kitchen table

In 2018 my middle-school band class came down from Portland for a 3-day field trip. Somehow we fit ~10 people at the kitchen table

Want to see more house pictures? Click HERE

The Grove

The house sits on 5+ acres, most of which is forested. Some of the property is on a side hill, including the house, while 3-4 acres is a flatter area alongside a branch of Hubbard creek. The garden and the orchard are in this lowland, but also a section of alders I call the grove—swordferns, a few conifers, moss, nettles, and a delightful selection of other green life make this a great place for the hammock. The sauna sits alongside the creek.

Pathway through grove linking house, garden, orchard, and sauna. This is the neighbor’s cat Quinn, who goes on walks with their daughter Rayna.

Pathway through grove linking house, garden, orchard, and sauna. This is the neighbor’s cat Quinn, who goes on walks with their daughter Rayna.

Bridge over creek near sauna

Bridge over creek near sauna

Hubbard Creek in grove

Hubbard Creek in grove

Another view of Hubbard Creek

Another view of Hubbard Creek

Small backwater pond, initially created for a resting spot for salmon

Small backwater pond, initially created for a resting spot for salmon

Hubbard Creek after rare snowfall

Hubbard Creek after rare snowfall

Sauna in grove

Looking out sauna door; sleeping cabin in background

Sleeping Cabin in grove

View from inside sleeping cabin

The Garden and Orchard

The garden is on the south side of the property where there’s a large opening in the trees for sunshine. The orchard parallels the grove and creek on the north side.

The garden is roughly 75’ x 75’ and enclosed by a deer fence 8-10’ high. The orchard has 20 or so trees in a section of meadow about 200’ long and 40-75’ wide. There are also three fruit trees on the east side of the garden.

Garden looking SW

Garden looking SW

Orchard from neighbor’s road looking NE

Orchard from neighbor’s road looking NE

Orchard looking south. Neighbor’s well / pumphouse on right.

Orchard looking south. Neighbor’s well / pumphouse on right.

Orchard ~15-20 years ago looking south

Orchard ~15-20 years ago looking south

Orchard 20 years ago after unusual snowfall. Previous owner’s beehives.

Orchard 20 years ago after unusual snowfall. Previous owner’s beehives.

Neighbors (daughters) pressing apple cider with apples from orchard. Last year they made ~12 gallons on top of the hundreds of apples they saved.

Neighbors (daughters) pressing apple cider with apples from orchard. Last year they made ~12 gallons on top of the hundreds of apples they saved.

The Ocean and Landscape

Port Orford has three state parks within 5 miles, and several miles of beaches. There is also national forest, a wilderness area, and private forest land to the west (some sections of which are unfortunately clear-cut). Port Orford itself is about 1200 people with a few restaurants, a co-op, two hardware stores, and one blinkety yellow traffic light.

Oceanfront near house

Port Orford’s ‘bay’ (curved section of land) looking south from upland on Hubbard Creek Beach. ~1700’ Humbug State Park ~4 miles in background.

Port Orford’s ‘bay’ (curved section of land) looking south from upland on Hubbard Creek Beach. ~1700’ Humbug State Park ~4 miles in background.

Hubbard Creek beach, 3/4 miles from house, looking south

Hubbard Creek beach, 3/4 miles from house, looking south

Hubbard Creek / Battle Rock Beach on walk to town, looking NW

Hubbard Creek / Battle Rock Beach on walk to town, looking NW

Battle Rock beach from Port Orford itself, looking SSE. It’s a walk along this beach to get to town and back

Battle Rock beach from Port Orford itself, looking SSE. It’s a walk along this beach to get to town and back

L’il Andrew Goldsworthy-inspired art I did on local beach. Waves took these ~two days later.

L’il Andrew Goldsworthy-inspired art I did on local beach. Waves took these ~two days later.

Port Orford Heads

Natural area 3/4 mile west of town, ~3 miles from house

View SE over the cove from PO Heads. Great place for sea kayaking when the waves are calm

View SE over the cove from PO Heads. Great place for sea kayaking when the waves are calm

The western half of the park has large open areas of salal and other shrubs

The western half of the park has large open areas of salal and other shrubs

The view north from the point at Port Orford Heads. Agate Beach to right.

The view north from the point at Port Orford Heads. Agate Beach to right.

One of several wildflowers found at PO Heads

One of several wildflowers found at PO Heads

Harbor seals sun themselves at low tide down on the rocks

Harbor seals sun themselves at low tide down on the rocks

View from Port Orford Heads looking SE back to Hubbard Creek Beach

View from Port Orford Heads looking SE back to Hubbard Creek Beach

On a clear day, you can see ~30 miles south to Cape Sebastian

On a clear day, you can see ~30 miles south to Cape Sebastian

View south from northernmost point of Port Orford Heads

View south from northernmost point of Port Orford Heads

Further Afield—National Forest, Humbug Mountain, and Samuel Boardman State Park

Lots of nice scenery is a five to fifty minute drive from Port Orford. Humbug mountain is five miles south of us; Cape Blanco and Elk River five miles north; and Samuel Boardman State Park ~45 miles south along the coast.

Neighbor on paddleboard at swimming hole on upper Elk River. We love the color of the water there.

Neighbor on paddleboard at swimming hole on upper Elk River. We love the color of the water there.

The swimming hole on Elk River, about 10 miles from house. Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forst, near Grassy Knob Wildnerness

The swimming hole on Elk River, about 10 miles from house. Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forst, near Grassy Knob Wildnerness

Cape Blanco State Park has lots of open meadows near the lighthouse

Cape Blanco State Park has lots of open meadows near the lighthouse

Humbug Mountain, here seen from the south

Humbug Mountain, here seen from the south

Northern beach at foot of Humbug Mountain

Northern beach at foot of Humbug Mountain

Trail to the top of Humbug goes through old-growth coastal forest

Trail to the top of Humbug goes through old-growth coastal forest

The ridiculously scenic Samuel Boardman State Park; Natural Bridges section

The ridiculously scenic Samuel Boardman State Park; Natural Bridges section

Natural Bridges section from further up

Natural Bridges section from further up

Samuel Boardman scenic corridor

Samuel Boardman scenic corridor

Abundant life of Oregon tide pools.

Abundant life of Oregon tide pools.

Hwy 101 makes for a scenic commute. This is from the walking/biking trail along a disused section of the former 101 route, ~4 miles south of house.

Hwy 101 makes for a scenic commute. This is from the walking/biking trail along a disused section of the former 101 route, ~4 miles south of house.